Christian's Daily Challenge

March 13, 2025

The meek assured of God’s guidance

“The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way” (Psa. 25:9).

“So the Lord alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him” (Deut. 32:12).

“How shall I know the voice of God?” comes to us as an almost complaining question. “I think that I am led of God sometimes, but the thing I undertake ends in disaster; my own soul is not satisfied, and others are not helped. I am bound to believe that I was mistaken and that it was some other voice than His which called me in that direction.” Get where God wants you to be in your own soul, then your ears will be unstopped to distinguish His voice from others.—Elizabeth S. Brengle.

He who has a rectified musical ear knows whether the sound he hears be true harmony; he does not need first to be at the trouble of the reasonings of a mathematician about the proportion of the notes. He that has a rectified palate knows what is good food as soon as he tastes it, without the reasoning of a physician. When a holy action is suggested to a holy soul, that soul at once sees a beauty in it and closes with it. On the contrary, if an unholy action be suggested to it, its sanctified taste nauseates it. Thus a holy person is led by the Spirit.—Jonathan Edwards.

I never remember, in all my Christian course, a period now of sixty-nine years and four months, that I ever sincerely and patiently sought to know the will of God by the teaching of the Holy Ghost, through the instrumentality of the Word of God, but I have ALWAYS been directed rightly. But if honesty of heart and uprightness before God were lacking, or if I did not patiently wait upon God for instruction, or if I preferred the counsel of my fellowmen to the declarations of the Word of the living God, I made great mistakes.—George Müller.